EnOC Directory

The EnOC Directory tool was launched in March 2020 to address the requirements for the implementation of the Directory, the new public register of financial services professionals that was introduced by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). 

EnOC’s Directory gathers and organises existing SM&CR data, and adds on to the certificated individuals’ customer engagement methods, workplace locations, and relevant accredited bodies. In short, it assists firms with collating and publishing the required information on the FCA’s “Directory of Certified and Assessed Persons”.

How does it work?

The amount of regulatory detail that has been published by the FCA, which includes the filtering, selection and application of regulatory data to individuals, the collation and organising of the data, and the provision of that data in the specific format that is acceptable by the FCA’s Connect system, may be onerous for some, and overwhelming for others. 

The EnOC Directory tool distils the required data and makes it available to all EnOC SM&CR companies; the simple process of data selection is then completed, stored and evidenced. The Directory data can be accessed at any time for continuous SM&CR data management, monitoring and reviewing. At any point in time before 9 December 2020, firms can export the Directory data into an FCA-prescribed 96-column spreadsheet, which can then be easily uploaded to the FCA’s Connect system.

The purpose of the EnOC Directory is to simplify the complex administration of the Directory by automating the process as much as possible and reducing errors. The entire process is done paperlessly and at no additional cost to EnOC’s SM&CR companies.



EnOC Directory is a complimentary add-on service to the EnOC SM&CR tool and can be accessed at no extra cost.